Do you also have boxes full of old videotapes in the attic (or somewhere else)?
Do you ever play them again? Probably not. Often the outdated equipment does not work (anymore) or has it been replaced by more modern material. In itself that is quite a shame. Just check with yourself what valuable imagery you possess in the form of memories …
At PC Doctor Groningen you can convert these video tapes to DVD or any other media format before the video tapes (even) get worse and can no longer be played. Away dear memories !!
Your unforgettable moments in the picture, such as the 1st steps of your child, unforgettable sporting moments, weddings and parties, dear images of family / acquaintances / loved ones, funniest home videos, holidays, movies, etc.
By digitizing videotapes it is possible to play back the old images of the videos on your television. This prevents the old films from being viewable.
We can convert your old videotapes and burn them to a DVD or put them in digital format on an external hard drive (self-supply) or on a so-called sticky. Bear in mind that digitizing the images does not improve the quality. A video whose so-called tracking is defective (the image always jumps back and forth vertically – does not stop) also has this problem in digital form. So be this!
Click the button below for more information
You should also come to PCdoktergroningen to scan your already printed photos or slides. We scan your photos carefully. We can scan your photos with a size of up to 20 cm by 30 cm. After the photos have been scanned, you can have them put on a DVD, an external hard drive or a USB stick. If you choose to have the photos burned on a DVD, we use the DVD brand Taiyo Yuden for this. This brand is also called the "Mercedes Benz" among DVDs. The manufacturer guarantees a lifespan of 100 years.
Your scanned photos (or videos) are now ideal for a digital photo book. The big advantage of this is that they take up much less space than standard photo albums.
De digitale versie van de foto nooit beter zal worden dan de analoge versie. Wel proberen we zoveel mogelijk krassen en dergelijke te verwijderen.
DISCLAIMER: Dia’s die een blauwe- of andere kleurzweem vertonen blijven deze kleurzweem ook houden na het scannen. Onscherpe dia’s blijven onscherp en over- of onderbelichte dia’s blijven over- of onderbelicht.
You can also contact us for the digitization of your (super) 8 mm films.
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